Friday, April 11, 2014

Understand the Benefits of Liposuction in Mexico to Improve Body Shape

However, there is a misconception that getting a Mexico liposuction is an alternative to a healthy amount of diet and exercise. The truth is that women can maximize the benefits of such a procedure and maintain its positive effects only if they combine it with healthy eating habits and regular exercise. As a study that involved lipo patients in Brazil revealed back in 2012, those who did not adhere to an exercise regimen following their lipo procedure had a noticeable increase in belly fat.

Another misconception is that liposuction is the shortcut to losing weight. The fact is, the ideal candidates for liposuction are those who engage in regular exercise and healthy eating and are thus only dealing with modest amounts of excess weight that neither diet nor exercise were able to eliminate. Essentially, liposuction is for those who aim for a contoured body appearance in conjunction with diet and exercise.


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